PFA CREATE webinar features CCO

The Philippine Franchise Association (PFA) conducted a webinar titled Impact of CREATE to Franchising Businesses on 23 April. PFA Deputy Executive Director Jake Santos hosted the event and PFA Director for Education Alan Escalona welcomed over 80 participants from PFA member companies to the webinar.

Tax Partner Cheryl C. Ong (CCO) discussed the salient features of the Corporate Recovery and Tax Incentives for Enterprises (CREATE) Act and its corporate tax adjustments. She covered the proposed rationalization of fiscal incentives and other provisions. Afterward, she shared insights on the next steps participants can consider to maximize the incentives under the Act.  

The session was followed by a Q&A portion led by CCO and Tax Senior Director Karen Mae Calam-Ibañez. PFA President Sherill Quintana delivered the closing remarks and briefly discussed the value of learning more about how the Act can help franchisers and their businesses manage the challenges of the pandemic.

The SGV organizing team was led by EY Private Partner Kristopher S. Catalan, Tax Partner Cheryl Edeline C. Ong, and Senior Directors Felinor G. Pascua and Karen Mae L. Calam.

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